“Take a simple idea, and take it seriously.“- Charlie Munger
The key to success is not discovering some complex formula that yields quick results. Instead, the key is understanding the one or two actions that actually lead to results and implement.
I saw this quote some months back and it made me STOP.
The quote is written by Charlie Munger, the billionaire investment guru, and Warren Buffett's friend.
Please read that again “Take a simple idea, and take it seriously.”
You see in that statement lies the secret of greatness at anything.
People always ask me what the "secret" of success is.
"Peter, what's your secret?" "Peter, tell us the secret of how you build your business."
Then I tell them there's no "secret" like that, and they think I don't want to share it with them but the truth is there is no secret apart from the right information.
And the right information as far as business is concerned is to:
“Take a simple idea, and take it seriously.”
Too many people want the glitz and the glamour, they want to experience the euphoria of achievement - the money in the bank, the award plaque being presented, winning the cup in the finals - the razzmatazz.
They forget that it first involves doing something simple, over and over, even when feeling like it or not, come rain, come shine, and doing it seriously.
That is what creates success. That is the secret.
It is not looking for the shiny object, it is not jumping from opportunity to opportunity, and it is not running after "cool" ideas. Or "tech" (this one pisses me off. Everyone wants to turn everything to tech)
It is taking a simple idea, and doing it seriously.
In business and personal life, you need to take a simple idea from those ahead, your senior colleagues, and do it seriously and that is when you can start seeing the great results.
It’s visible to the blind and audible to the deaf that there is no shortcut to great success than to work your ass off, get proper information, take a simple idea, and take it seriously.
I remember a client that visited my office in Ibadan some months back, and she shared with me how much she made the previous year from a business idea I would never have thought in a million years would make that much money.
I can't share what her idea is for privacy reasons, but trust me, you see it every day when you go to the market.
The strategy there is she took a simple idea and she took it seriously.
You should do likewise. As soon as you are certain your idea is good enough then your next job is to be patient while working seriously at it.
Do it long enough and you will have all the accolades your soul will ever desire, remember whatever works, do it until it stops working. Stay Blessed, stay focused and have it in mind that nothing can stop an idea whose time has come.